Services We Can Help You With

Dexivo data can do it all. Our services will take your marketing and business to the next level.
Carrier Look Up

Carrier Look Up allows you to develop a strategic marketing approach based on your customers phone details. Through carrier look up, you can confirm if your customer is using a cell phone or land line and what carrier they are using.

Gender Appending

By segmenting your marketing lists and data you can better target your message. By using our Gender Appending service, you can append your data to target a specific gender.

IP Database

Our global IP database tracks your customers IP in a meaningful fashion by storing this information based on their activity. This will allow you to utilize IP features for your marketing and analytics purposes.

Litigator Scrub

When marketing to customers, your message should be delivered to those who are interested in your content. Unfortunately, some customers use a message or email as a claim to unwanted marketing communication. To avoid such instances, our expansive litigator scrub allows you to analyze litigators and their family members and remove them from your list prior to sending communications. In addition, our services offer the ability to clean your list against any DNC’s on a state or federal level.

Data Verification

Obtaining data is only the first step in creating a smart marketing campaign. Verifying your data is essential to confirm if the contact information you have for your customer actually links to your customer. Through our advanced data verification systems, we confirm the validity of each contact on multiple points.


Double your marketing efforts through our profiling methods, which takes a proven audience and scans our millions of records to find similar matches based on hundreds of attributes.

Data Hygiene

Understanding the basics of your data comes down to our data hygiene processes. By removing duplicates, utilizing our patent litigator process or appending things like carrier or gender, all allow you to hygiene your data.

Data Modeling

Data can be hard to analyze in its raw form. Luckily, Dexivo can provide data visualization solutions. Using visual elements such as charts and graphs will allow you to understand trends and patterns in your data.

Audience Identification

Developing an audience that engages in your marketing communication is essential for growth. By using your current marketing contacts, we can expand and develop on who your audience is and how to best market to them.

Data Visualization

PowerBI and our data science team allows you to do so much more with your data. Through data visualization, we can develop meaningful results that will allow for an in depth understand of your analytics.

Get in Touch

Data Acquisition

Not all companies have the same needs when it comes to data. Dexivo will provides custom data acquisition that matches your business or audience needs.

Analyze Data

Our Data Scientists are experts in their field, allowing the analysis of your data to be done with the utmost precision. The insight provided through our analysis will optimize your business and make sense of data.

Implement Solution

Big Data solutions from Dexivo are easy to implement. Regardless of the system you are using, our flexible solutions are customized for your needs. Our solutions will change the way you do business.

What we Do

Dexivo uses advanced techniques to analyze large and diverse data sets. No matter the type of data, from terabytes to zettabytes, Dexivo can help you understand. Use the power of Dexivo to expand your business through data.